New Episodes!


The Mike and Renier Show


A South African Wellness Podcast


A podcast for anyone who is interested in Wellness. We explore all aspects of Wellness from nutrition, sleeping and exercise to medication and bio-hacking.



The Mike

and Renier


New Episodes Bi-Weekly

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New Podcast!! Part 1 and 2 – Heart Rate variability -Managing stress with DR Lloyd Chapman

HRV – heart rate variability is a very simple and powerful tool to measure and manage your stress. Most smartwatches and fitness monitors can measure HRV but what do the numbers mean? How can you use it to influence your decisions on training,   work, and other stressors in your life?
DR Lloyd Chapman has been using HRV for many years to help clients understand themselves better and reduce stress.




Michael Cooper invited to join GTCI Faculty

TEAM coaching is in huge demand worldwide but the number of qualified team coaches is far behind the demand. Michael Cooper is proud to be part of the (Global Team Coaching Institute) which is a collaboration between WEBCS, Peter Hawkins, and David Clutterbuck, who...

The Mike and Renier podcast is for South Africans who want to maximize their wellness, health and fitness. We look at the news from the cutting edge of science in fields like nutrition, mindfulness, fitness, health and performance. We interview local experts so that you can find out what South Africans are doing and offering in wellness.

Our desire is to take the vast amounts of research out there and simplify it so you can apply it on a daily basis. Whether you are just starting on your wellness journey or a full-on bio-hacker, you will love this journey to the edge of human possibility. 


Mike Cooper

Mike Cooper


Renier Moolman

Renier Moolman


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The Mike and renier show

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